New York: The Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) has chosen to remain silent despite growing rumors about a cancerous condition that former president Danilo Medina Sánchez suffers from. A fully credible source confirmed to this editor today that the former president was indeed in the US but did not provide any additional information that could clarify the true state of health of the former president. Nor has the newspaper El Faro Latino been able to independently confirm the falsehood or truth of Medina’s alleged condition.
Rumors about Medina Sánchez’s health condition have gone viral on social networks after the Dominican influencer Aquiles Jiménez posted a message on his Twitter account stating that the politician had traveled to the United States to seek a second opinion on a supposed cancer that affects him.
“The health trip to the United States of the former president, Danilo Medina, seeking a second opinion on his advanced state of health, has just confirmed that he suffers from cancer. I hope that the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) and his family issue a statement on his real state of health,” Aquiles Jiménez posted on his Twitter account.
El viaje de Salud a 🇺🇸del expresidente @DaniloMedina buscando una 2da opinión sobre su avanzado estado de salud , acaban de confirmar que padece de cáncer .
Espero que el partido @PLDenlinea y la familia emitan un comunicado de su real estado de salud .
— Aquiles Jimenez (@aquilesjimenez) February 23, 2023
However, this Tuesday, February 28, the PLD published a story in its electronic newspaper, Vanguardia del Pueblo, titled: “Danilo Medina heads this day a meeting with the PLD leadership,” in which they explain that the former president led said political event together with the candidate president, Abel Martínez, with a representation of his political leadership.
According to the note, Medina’s presence occurred within his capacity as president of the PLD, who is responsible for chairing the Political Committee and Central Committee and specialized commissions for supervising Party operations.
Neither before nor after this event, the party ruled on Medina’s alleged health problem. They did not refer to that, either affirming or denying it, even though the rumors grew due to the silence of the party and the family.
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, a photo published by the party taken this Tuesday in the Professor Juan Bosch Room of the PLD Presidential Office in which Danilo Medina, president of the PLD, appears; Abel Martínez, presidential candidate and Charles Mariotti, Secretary General; they could not hide their sad faces full of evident bewilderment, whose body reading could indicate a great concern that for some reason they have not considered appropriate to inform the Dominican people at that time.
As former president of the Republic and as president of the main opposition party, both the PLD and Medina himself are obliged to affirm or deny the facts, ending once and for all with any speculative species or ill-founded rumors and not appearing with saddened faces at an alleged political meeting, as if nothing was happening, while stories of a suspected cancer condition grow throughout the country and the diaspora.