Support for American leadership has decreased in President Joe Biden’s second year in office; the United States continues to lead the pack among world leaders. After the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan and Russia invaded Ukraine in mid-to-late 2022, a survey was conducted. It demonstrates that during Biden’s second year, the global median approval of American leadership fell from 52% to 36% in the Americas and from 41% to 39% in Europe.
In Kosovo (90%), Poland (80%), Nigeria (78%), Israel (65%), and the Philippines (62%), support for U.S. leadership was high; nevertheless, it was unpopular in Russia (4%), Iran (8%), and the Palestinian territories (13%). However, Russian influence decreased almost everywhere, except some African nations, such as Mali in West Africa, where the Russian mercenary Wagner group is present. 90% of the population there approved of the Russian government.
Germany was shown to be the least divisive country, with disapproval rates consistently lower than those for the United States despite declining approval from 2021. Other figures: Only a few nations, including Russia, saw China polling higher than the United States. In Europe and the Americas, the country received a median approval rating of 16% and 23%, respectively. Sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 59% of the support for American leadership and 52% for Chinese leadership. Asia’s reaction was conflicted. China’s statistics greatly outperformed the United States in Pakistan and Iran, although India’s government approval ratings were higher.