Santo Domingo, DR: The draft on the application of the percentage of candidacy reserves issued by the Central Electoral Board (JCE) found the rejection of more than 20 political groups, who requested clarification on its content from the plenary session of that body.
The resolution proposal delivered to the parties by the Central Electoral Board establishes that candidacy reservations must be made within the percentage of 20% for each level of election, which according to the legal secretary of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) does not it is binding with the law, “…it is not binding, now there is a new law…”.
José Dantés said he was surprised that before it was issued and delivered to the parties’ representatives, the President of the Republic had already spoken on the subject.
The document was sent to the political organizations so that they make their suggestions by next Monday, May 8, at noon, after which the Central Electoral Board will announce its considerations.
The draft, which has generated the rejection of opposition parties, was issued the day before by the plenary session of the Central Electoral Board.