New York: Dr. Yomare Polanco, a candidate for overseas deputy for the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), amid the Thanksgiving festivities with loved ones in the state of New Jersey, has spared no effort to remember the problematic situation that vulnerable communities in the Dominican Republic are facing after the passage of a severe tropical storm that affected the country, leaving a trail of more than 23 deaths, interrupted electrical service, and thousands of displaced people in a state of vulnerability.
“Let’s not forget that the Dominican Republic needs us. Now, our team in the Dominican Republic is heading to provide humanitarian aid to the Guaricamos area.
Ahora nuestro equipo en Repùblica Dominicana se dirige a llevar ayuda humanitaria al sector de los Guaricanos.
No hay descanso y seguimos de la mano junto a nuestra gente en este momento difícil.#YomarePolanco#YomarePolancoDiputado— Yomare Polanco (@yomarepolanco1) November 23, 2023
There is no rest, and we continue hand in hand with our people in this challenging time,” wrote Dr. Yomare Polanco on his X account.