President Abinader instructs the realization of the first national census of real estate of the Dominican State.


SANTO DOMINGO, DR:  President Luis Abinader instructed the General Directorate of National Assets to carry out the first national census of real estate in the Dominican State, a historical movement whose main objective is the cataloging and valuing all state real estate.


The realization of this census is part of the president’s objective to provide the Dominican State with greater and greater transparency for the benefit of the entire country.


Detailed records will be kept.

This ambitious project, which will take place from July 3 to 21, will provide a detailed and reliable record of the nation’s real estate capital, which has not been precisely quantified to date.

The result of this census shows a clear and complete picture of the State’s real estate assets, which include: Central Government assets and buildings, decentralized institution buildings, vital infrastructures such as roads, hydraulics, and electricity, mixed institutions with the State, actions mixed real estate with the State, mining assets owned by the State and land owned by the Dominican State, among others.

For this project, an execution plan has been designed that includes the implementation of specialized technology for storing, monitoring, and controlling the information obtained. This project management system will allow efficient and continuous data management.

Census in three phases

The census will take place in three key phases. The first phase will consist of gathering information on all state properties. The second phase will be the physical census of the real estate of the Dominican State, which will confirm and complement the information collected in the first phase. Finally, in the third phase, the census results will be finalized.

In a future vision, it is expected that this census will facilitate the creation of regulations that ensure the automation of the system. In this way, all the goods acquired by the Dominican State will be registered monthly in real-time, and the goods that leave the state system.

Census will mark a milestone.

This national census of real estate is an initiative that marks a milestone in the history of the administration of the assets of the Dominican State, presenting a precedent of transparency and responsibility in the management of national assets.



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