EFE Agency Highlights ‘Political Loyalty’ Gratitude towards Congressman Norberto Rodríguez


New York: The’ SEPI,’ State Society of Industrial Participations, known by its acronym in Spanish as EFE Agency, one of the most prestigious in the world, issued a press release on Friday, March 1st, published by various media outlets. The release emphasized the transformative impact of the recognition bestowed upon ‘Political Loyalty’ by the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx and the overseas congressman of the PRM, Norberto Rodríguez, for their unwavering commitment to the community. This recognition instills a sense of pride in the members of’ Political Loyalty’ and the community they serve.


The press release further highlighted the unity and teamwork within ‘Political Loyalty,’ a ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) faction. The four members expressed their gratitude to the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx and the overseas congressman for the first constituency abroad, Norberto Rodríguez, for recognizing their collective work in favor of the community.


Amidst the jubilation, Ana Cuevas, a member of ‘Political Loyalty,’ shared her joy and gratitude. “I am thrilled and feel very pleased. Thanks to Mr. Felipe Febles and the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx for recognizing our team and me, embodying the essence of Political Loyalty. I reiterate my thanks for recognizing and valuing our work,” expressed Ana Cuevas, her excitement palpable among her friends.

“Very grateful for the recognition given to us by the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx, and this extends to Congressman Norberto Rodríguez, who always supports us, whether in his initiatives or legislative projects,” were the words addressed to the press members communication professional José Veras.

Likewise, the EFE agency report highlights Mrs. Leonidas González’s response to journalists covering the source, thanking the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx, taking her into account and recognizing her as a ‘Community Leader.’ ‘ That commits me to continue giving my best for the collective. I feel very privileged to belong to the Perremeístaical Loyalty,’ which supports Congressman Norberto Rodríguez,’ González said, later adding: ‘ I feel thrilled, p faction, ‘Politleased, and joyful for this recognition given to us by the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx.’ All members of’ Political Loyalty’ share this joy and satisfaction for the recognition they have received.

On the other hand, the renowned leader Kenia Cabral thanked Mr. Felipe Fables, director and founder of the Dominican Day Parade of the Bronx, as well as Puro Fajardo, Awilda Brito, and all the members of “Political Loyalty” who support the overseas congressman of the PRM and current candidate for that position, Norberto Rodríguez, who was present at the event.

“The event, packed to capacity, took place in the event hall of the Mar y Tierra Restaurant on Webster Avenue in the Bronx County, where a lively crowd was observed due to the presence of the President of the Foreign Deputies Commission, Norberto Rodríguez, who in turn received a plaque of recognition for his trajectory of service and legislative work in Congress,” concludes the EFE agency report.



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