New York: Renowned television presenter and radio producer Luis Federico Crespo Martínez, known as Frederick Martínez “El Pachá,” endorsed the candidacy of Dr. Yomare Polanco for overseas deputy. Polanco is running on behalf of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) in the #1 constituency of the United States.
“You can take a photo, just like the New York Times, the New York Post. The Official Pachá certifies and endorses Dr. Yomare as an overseas deputy. We commit to putting a photo of Yomare Polanco two or three times on ‘Pégate y Gana con el Pachá’ here from Monday to Friday because we need this man in Congress to represent us. You do not understand that Yomare Polanco is the only one who can represent our community in Congress, who can speak for us. We have no voice, no one to fight for us,” said El Pachá.
You are Polanco, the PRD candidate, the party of my brother Miguel Vargas Maldonado. Polanco is a television producer, musician, and community leader with an impeccable track record of service. With him, we are very well represented; he doesn’t engage in this machinery. A well-prepared man and a vital entrepreneur who is committed to history.
“Dominican, Yomare Polanco is your overseas deputy candidate for constituency #1 in the United States. Your vote counts four, vote four, vote four! For Yomare Polanco and the PRD,” concluded El Pachá.